Is your coaching business where you want it to be?
Posted on: 08 Oct 2015
Let’s face it. Many coaches struggle with the business aspect of being a coach, and most would rather avoid it altogether.
But unfortunately, unless you work for someone else, your success as a coach depends on your ability to establish and sustain a successful business.
ReciproCoach has spent many years supporting coaches in their professional development through coaching, mentoring and supervision, but what use is all the professional development in the world, if you’re not able to stay in business?
And so, I’m happy to announce that ReciproCoach is launching a new arm to support you in surviving, and ideally, thriving in your coaching business:
ReciproCoach Business
Many of you have already participated in our general business coaching rounds, where you give and receive business coaching, with the aim of doubling your focus and doubling your results in your coaching business.
We are now extending this support further to include targeted business coaching rounds that give you a coach, a client and business guidance. We have our radar turned on to the business knowledge and skills that work for coaching businesses and we’re going to deliver this to you through our business coaching rounds.
First off the ranks is Design Your Coaching Practice. This round will give you access to chapter two of The Professional Coach’s Business Systems (PCBS), a resource written by Belinda MacInnes, MCC, who has experienced success faster than most coaches, sustained it for more than a decade and lives the life she’d intended for herself when she first made the move to coaching. Belinda now says:
“I’ve seen too many good coaches fail at running a successful and sustainable coaching practice, and to be perfectly honest, I’m sick of it!”
Design Your Coaching Practice is ideal for coaches just starting out or coaches who are still yet to establish their desired coaching practice. The Design Your Coaching Practice peer coaching round will guide you to fully explore the critical question of what you want from your coaching business – habit #2 of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective people – begin with the end in mind. Too often overlooked and underrated, Design Your Coaching Practice really sets the foundations for a successful and sustainable coaching practice.
ReciproCoach business coaching rounds will not be the same as any other business course you take. Many people know or learn what they need to do, but still fail to actually do it. ReciproCoach business coaching rounds aim to ensure you do what is necessary to get your business to where you want it to be. Through our business rounds, we’ll share successful business strategies and then assign you a coach to support you in applying the strategies to your business. PLUS, we’ll also assign you a client. We often attract clients who are ready to do the things we need to do ourselves, and so in our business coaching rounds, we’re harnessing this natural tendency to ensure you definitely do what you set out to do!
The Design Your Coaching Practice peer coaching round starts in the first week of November. Follow this link to register now:
Keep watch on the new business coaching rounds under the ReciproCoach Business menu. We’ll be aiming to add a new business coaching round each month, so that over the course of a year, you can gain the skills you need to survive and thrive as a professional coach.