What is the value of peer group mentoring?
Posted on: 24 Sep 2019
When coaches think about group mentoring, their focus is on professional development and the improvement of coaching skills, within a group environment, thereby making it more affordable than individual mentoring. However, research indicates that the benefits of peer group mentoring are more far-reaching, leading to a number of positive outcomes that individual mentoring does not offer.
This issue of Coaching Research in Practice highlights a recent study that explains how professional development is only one of three core benefits of peer group mentoring. It identifies the wide array of attributes of peer group mentoring and provides both coaches and mentors with a persuasive argument for choosing/offering group mentoring, or even group coaching, over individual mentoring/coaching for more reasons than just affordability.
Read full article here: https://reciprocoach.com/coaching-research#!#126
Written by Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC and Global ReciproCoach Coordinator