Which blindspots limit your coaching impact?

Posted on: 11 Jul 2024

As coaches, we’re great at spotting our clients’ blindspots. But as humans, we often overlook our own. Even worse, many coaches don’t realise how our scripts, mindsets, and paradigms limit our coaching impact and actually get in the way of facilitating a masterful coaching process.


As we know, the coaching process is designed to create awareness around personal blindspots. Therefore, we too can leverage the coaching process to move beyond our own personal-professional blindspots and significantly enhance our coaching outcomes.


With this aim, ReciproCoach has teamed up with Clare Norman, MCC, Coach Supervisor and author of The Transformational Coach: Free Your Thinking and Break Through to Coaching Mastery to bring you a peer coaching round that will, quite literally, “blow your mind.”


In her book, Clare identifies no less than 83 old mindsets that coaches need to discard to become more masterful coaches. These come from parents or carers, school, peers, work, managers, coach training and our coaching experience, and they all impact our coaching. Clare illustrates how our old mindsets as coaches get in the way of our facilitation of our clients’ discovery of their own new thinking. Clare also suggests new mindsets to replace the limiting ones—the skillsets that go with the new mindsets. Underpinned by research with lots of practical suggestions, The Transformational Coach is an inside-out approach to transforming your coaching outcomes. Clare promises, “You will see different results….The people with whom you’re partnering will experience more transformation than you ever thought possible.”



In The Transformational Coach Peer Coaching Round, you will have a chance to experience all of this first-hand. You will not only read Clare’s book (purchase separately – not included in the round), but you will also do the book, as you put the ideas into practice through peer coaching. With your assigned coach, you’ll have the opportunity to examine and shift the old mindsets that are hindering your coaching and adopt new mindsets that support greater coaching mastery. With your assigned client, you’ll practise using your new mindsets to create deeper thinking and forward motion, facilitating different results. And, as we, like Clare, believe “The observation of our coaching is vital,” you’ll also have the opportunity to record your sessions as coach. This will give you another seven recordings to fuel your reflective practice, professional advancement and ongoing development.


Read more about The Transformational Coach Peer Coaching Round, or if you’re ready to discard the unhelpful mindsets that are limiting your coaching, register now.


(Registration closes Sunday, August 25)


You also have the opportunity to join a Transformational Coach group mentoring session with Clare (available for separate registration – not included in the peer coaching round) to learn from her feedback on participants’ recorded sessions and live coaching, and to ask your questions. If you can’t attend live or miss out on one of the ten limited places, then you can instead register for the observer-only session to listen in when it suits you.


A ReciproCoach whom I have watched move to MCC level status in record time recommended Clare’s book to us, saying it’s “unlike any other coaching book out there”, a process of “unlearning in order to coach” and a must-read (and a ‘must-do’) for every coach.


I personally see this book as a deep dive into the newest ICF Core Competency, “Embodies a Coaching Mindset”. This particular competency is not given nearly enough tangible focus in training or development, even though it is the key to creating mind-blowing transformation. Reading and doing The Transformational Coach through our peer coaching round will support you in embodying the coaching mindsets that will maximise your coaching impact.


See you on the other side,


Kerryn Griffiths, PhD, PCC

Global ReciproCoach Coordinator